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Trapping Expert
Calm and collected, this beast saves most of his energy for the hunt. His seemingly passive and gruff nature can quickly give way to bloodlust. He hungers for nothing more than fresh meat. His hunger causes him to turn on any source for fresh food; which has sometimes been his teammates.

Despite his nature, he is very loyal towards his teammates. The thought of them going hungry or getting hurt gets him antsy. He tends to get protective over them, nearly to the point of being restrictive. While his fierce need to care for them is not recognized by most, he is not deterred.

His main hunting style is trapping- which comes in handy on missions if he's given time to prepare the area. He has become quite skilled in it over the years. Other than trapping, he serves as the team's tank- taking and dishing tons of damage.
Hamburger cheeseburger big mac whopper - Hound, probably
> Stats and Appearance <
Name Holder
Gender Holder
Orientation Holder
General Age Holder
General Build Holder
Height Holder
Weight Holder
Tail length Holder
Leg Mutation Holder
Physical Strength Holder
Magical Strength Holder
Attack Damage Holder
Defense Holder
Health Holder
Speed Holder
Stamina Holder
Stealth Holder
Flexibility Holder
Reaction time Holder
Sight Holder
Written Description
> Special Abilities <
Blood Hunt
His instincts flare at sight of blood from fresh prey. Small growls can be heard from deep in his chest. Eyesight and Reaction Time heavily increased. Unlocks the ability to follow the scent of blood. Speed and Stamina get a small boost.
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Die For You by Starset
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